Thursday, 10 March 2011

No such thing as a free lunch...

Today was a more interesting Thursday than most, my morning lecture was cancelled (yes!) so had a long lie in, did a wash, tidied my room and did some uni work - so far so boring. Although this afternoon we had a luncheon with our course mates just to get everyone together.

We got a free meal, free drink and a free glass of champagne - although the champagne tasted a bit like a flannel. While we we we're toasting our great successes on the course - ahem - I realised how little time we have left at uni. Only 3 weeks left before our Easter break and then our dissertation stuff is due 11 days after we get back. Not very much time at all.

Time really has flown and it's giving me a bit of a panic, soon enough I'll be moving back home and having to find PAID internships and jobs as opposed to the unpaid ones to get your foot in the door. Either way it has given me the kick up the arse to do some work and I am doing workbook stuff now before time really does run out.


  1. The champagne sounds
    You have just made me panic too now; got my dissertation work out now lol

  2. Good luck with your dissertation!
    Im feeling the exact same way with college recently. Not long until I'll be shipped off to uni and Im starting to feel the nerves D:

  3. Thanks, I'm gonna need it I think! You'll be fine I'm sure, starting uni is exciting :)
